Every year around November we have a tradition of going to the Leesburg outlets and picking up some fun Christmas things! This year was especially fun because we knew we were staying in VA for Christmas so Jeff and finally decided to do some shopping for each other. And then Izzy and I will always chose a fun new Christmas outfit for the season. This year was so fun because we were able to go with Lexi and Mel. We love our tradition of having Thanksgiving with the Olsens.
We also had our great friends the Bessey's over as well! I'm sad I didn't get many pictures of everyone... but we had a blast. Yummy food, great company and relax time. Even though it definitely includes 6 hours of cooking and 30 minutes of eating. wow! Here is Izzy all dressed up ready for dinner.
Izzy and Lexi eating their dinner
all of our food- I forgot to get a final picture of the food... we were just so hungry!
Now on to December! It was so fun to be in Virginia for Christmas and have some fun new traditions with our little family. Of course you always miss your family in Utah though!
Here we are picking out our Christmas tree. Izzy was so excited.
she kept saying "this one daddy!"
When we put the tree up Izzy was so excited when she woke up to see the tree all decorated!
Every year I take Izzy to the "tiny tots" concert at the local high school. Oh my goodness it is the greatest most fun thing! I love seeing her face when she sees all of the Christmas characters come out.
And afterwards all of the characters are outside. Izzy is not scared at all! She goes up and hugs all of them.
I like to take a picture of our house every season. Here is December. As you can tell- not very much snow! It honestly only snowed probably 3-4 times this year.
great friends parties!
And then there was a day that was 75 degrees! So we had to go into DC
Another great tradition we do with our friends is the train exhibit at the Botanical gardens. It is such a great place to take kids and Izzy loves it. They create the neatest exhibit with trains, tunnels, cars and tracks.
Fun Christmas treat making with friends
Here are all of our Santa visits
So I could take Izzy to the main mall- Tysons and see a great Santa and pay $25... but nope, we go to the ghetto mall by Jeffs work and only pay $6 for an old Santa (maybe a little creepy) the volunteers! It's great :)
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