Saturday, October 1, 2011

Summer 2011

Wow where did the summer go?? I have no idea. It went by way too fast. And way too fast for me to blog. I don't even know if anyone looks at blogs (or even my blog) anymore. I kept debating if I should continue but it's just so nice to have as a journal right?? I love that I can just upload pictures, type a little description and print it as a picture book. Well for those who still look at our blog... I hope you enjoy!
Here is what we did this summer: 
- visited some lakes in Marlyand (pictures below)
- went swimming, biking and running here and there
- visited NYC and Richmond
- visited Utah a couple of times
- and enjoyed the hot and humid weather!

 Here we are at a fun lake for the day. We enjoyed the beach an hour away!

 my mom and I went up to Hotel Park City one day. So relaxing
 We swam at my grandmas pool lots with my mom. Izzy loved it! She literally jumps in the pool by herself she loves it that much. She sits on the side and I say "1,2,...3!" and she arches her back to scoot herself in the pool. so cute
Izzy and Aunt Jennifer 

 Our Utah trips were so fun. They always go by way too fast. But we were lucky enough to squeeze in a trip to Newport beach and Heben! Our 2 favorite places. 

 We ate at one of my most favorite restaurants in Newport. The Crab Cooker... so yummy
The last night in Newport, there was a beautiful sunset in Laguna

 Uncle Brady and Izzy. So priceless!

 She wouldn't let the bucket out of her sight

 We just missed Jeff and Elder Trey... not the same without them
 We were able to attend Justin and Ashley's beautiful wedding in Newport. 

 All of us at the Crab Cooker

 Such a fun trip!!

 These pictures are kind of out of order but my little Izzy became a toddler by riding on the back of the bike!!

 Cute Colby and Izzy. Izzy loved Aunt Brookie, Uncle Colby and Uncle Brady!
 and especially Grandpa Jim and Mema
It was so good to be back in Newport. Our family has a tradition to go every summer. But we hadn't been all together there in so long! So it was so fun. From dinners at Fashion Island, to movies, to walks on the beach, to donuts on the pier to swimming and lounging all day. It was heaven. 

Hebgen 2011
This trip was so fun because we were all finally in Hebgen together. All the kids hadn't been there in years. Izzy was finally able to play with her cousins, Aunts and Uncles!

 cute little Luke

Cute Jane and Elle were so darling to "busy Izzy" as they would call her

 And Elle loved Uncle Jeff!

 How adorable is that picture. The kids were exhausted by the end of the day!

This picture was our typical day... wake up in the morning... go to the beach and hang with kiddos... eat lunch... hang at the beach more... make a yummy dinner... watch movies and play games.

I love this picture of Robbie... so cute

 We ended the summer with a Labor day trip with Uncle Eric and the Olsens. We went to Annapolis beach for the day and it was a great to end the summer. 


Bec and Dave said...

Thats so fun Katie, what a busy summer!!!!! I love cute lil Izzy, she warms my heart haha. Glad you guys had a good time.

Michael and Natalie said...

I read your blog!! Please don't stop posting :)

Blanck said...

DYING over this vintage picture with you and the Olsens. love it!

SJ said...

Katie! I love Hebgen, I am so glad that you were able to go there. We have got to get together soon! I hope you are well!!



Weed Family said...

I read your blog! What a fun summer and fun pictures. Izzy is a doll