Thursday, June 2, 2011

11th time's a charm

11 times...
wow we are almost caught up to my parents!
another change has come and gone. I guess paradise can't last forever right?!
Miami was one of the best years of our lives... along with many others of course. Jeff started a great job, I was pregnant with no job enjoying the sun, ocean and our beautiful island, and then we had our beautiful baby girl. We would take daily walks around the island, go to the beach every Saturday, sit on our porch and watched the kids play in the water fountain 12 months of the year, take an elevator down to our hot tub and pool at any time of the day or night we wanted to, have sunshine in our room at 6:00 a.m. EVERY day... even in January, and enjoy 75 degree weather without a cloud in the sky.
But when an opportunity comes along, I guess you've got to take it. We absolutely loved Miami, and Jeff loved his job. However, Jeff received an opportunity to come back to Virginia and work for the company he use to intern at. And in the long run, it was just better for our family. Better schools for Izzy and better hours for Jeff. I actually get to see him at 6:30 at night! It's awesome.
So... we packed up and said goodbye. This time was hard. Why does moving have to be so hard? I think it's because you realize that you probably won't be back (to live there I should say). We probably won't ever live in New York again, and we probably won't ever live in Miami again. But then I never thought we would be back to Virginia again! ;)
I think also when you make so many precious memories in a place... it makes it even harder. We had our first little one in Miami! We saw her grow up so fast in that Brickell Key apartment. She said her first words there, sat up there, started crawling there, and played in her first nursery there. I loved it.
But... I have to keep telling myself that we can make NEW memories.
Here's to a new adventure...

Here are some pics of our last few weeks in the sunshine state...

My friends and I enjoyed the Sony Erickson open. It was so fun!

This was our last girls night at Cheesecake. Not everyone could make it, but it was still so much fun

I will miss you girls!
We had our last BBQ at our pool with all of our friends

miss you all!!
And so then we enjoyed our last walk around the island
and we had to get some last shots of izzy on the beach
the thing is, is that this beach was literally walking distance from us! They would give you cold towels on the beach, serve you ice cold water or lemonade and put up an umbrella if you needed. what?!!

and then it was time to go...

the nice thing about this move is that we didn't have to do the packing... so we sat and relaxed :)
they packed our stuff, we enjoyed our last week in Cancun while our stuff was in transit, and then we came back for one last night at the brickell key apt

and then it was time to say goodbye
but on to a great new place!
here we are in VA unpacking
can you tell who is tired and frustrated in this picture?
Izzy's first crawling steps in our new house. Here's to new memories

it's so good to be back! We LOVE DC!


sydney b. said...

Good luck with settling in your new place! Iz is getting so big and is still so adorable! Miss you guys! -syd

Susie Heaton said...

What a wonderful time in your lives! We miss you but are so excited for your new adventures. Love you so much-Susie

The Rigbys said...

Oh Katie I am sorry you had to leave those wonderful memories but more to come, right??? Your house is darling though! Did you live there before? Well good luck unpacking and moving in! much love


The Rigbys said...

Oh Katie I am sorry you had to leave those wonderful memories but more to come, right??? Your house is darling though! Did you live there before? Well good luck unpacking and moving in! much love


Whitney said...

Moving definitely keeps things interesting, huh! I totally know how you are feeling. We have been here just a year and I am attached and it's time to move again. Good luck with your most recent transition and I hope we can see you soon in Utah!

Chelsea said...

Agh moving is hard but were soooo happy to have you guys back!

Blanck said...

What a great post! I love your new house in VA. We loved spending some time with you your first day back

Keri Cannon said...

11 times...really?!? that is nuts! You guys are so lucky to have so many fun/ amazing experiences. I love your new house. I want to come out and see you! Izzy is seriously too cute for words! xoxo

Laura said...

We miss you Katie, but your home in VA looks adorable!