Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bermuda Bahama come on pretty Mama

One of the other perks of living on the southern border is you are close to the beautiful beaches of the Bahamas :). It was such a last minute trip- I had no idea the Bahamas were that close! For President's day weekend we thought that we had to do something. So we researched a bunch of things and finally found something.
You can take a ghetto 70's cruise to the Bahamas! it was awesome. but yes very ghetto. so ghetto I think the eggs for our "buffet breakfast" were fake. no just kiddin, but who knows?!
But I'll tell you what- the view, the water, the beaches and the weather made up for it! it was beautiful! And once we got to the resort we couldn't believe it. worth every penny.

This was the view from where we were sitting on the boat (as you can see the wonderful 2 foot swimming pool below). We left really early in the morning and it was about a 4 hour boat ride of beautiful blue water.
So the trip itself was absolutely wonderful and just what Jeff and I needed. However, we kind of had some bad luck when we got there. Let's discuss:
- after arriving at the hotel, we realized that we left our big and really nice camera (yes a lot of you have the same one, so you know how precious those cameras are) IN THE TAXI. never got it back. (they bahamians are still looking into it for us :))
- got a call from our tenants from our house in utah- our furnace broke and we have an infestation of mice... yes mice
- Jeff and I are on phone calls, internet and text messages trying to find our old furnace guy to fix the problem
- get a text from Verizon. our bill is up to $400.00 because we are out of the country.
- worst news of all... find out my cute sis in law in the hospital. she had an "acute lung injury". the most amazing story ever... she is a strong one and made it through. Thanks to an amazing blessing and prayers it was a miracle. Doctors were so amazed, they are going to write a case study on it. she is now home from the hospital recovering. What a trooper she is. we love you brookie! the hardest part was being away from that. we just wanted to get on a plane to go be with her.

this was our hotel room (so with our camera being gone, thank goodness we could use our phones as cameras)
we loved this little restaurant for some good burgers and "conch" ...the view was amazing. I asked the waitresses if they love their job and yes they do :0)

this was our pool... it had one of those infinity edges. let me just say this was like the cheapest hotels! but it was so beautiful we couldn't believe it!
eating her wonderful sweet peas for lunch

So the hotel was so cheap b/c their tourism is down but this was one of the amazing pools with a slide (unfortunately closed though...)

this was the coolest market right by us with a fun night life! it had great restaurants, shops, ice cream parlors,... it was so great!

we went and had a great breakfast the day we left.

this is the harbor right by the market- it was beautiful
Our little family in front of all the little shops

our last day by the pool... we loved it!

and then back on the awesome 70's boat! you definitely get tired of the boat by the end b/c it takes forever to get off. But it was a wonderful relaxing trip. Jeff and I hadn't taken a trip in forever! it was amazing. just our little family. we would get up, grab some breakfast, go to the pool, take a nap, grab some lunch, go to the market, go back and shower, grab some dinner and enjoy the night life, come back and watch a movie in the room with our little family and crash for the night feeling that wonderful feeling of a sunburn. wow we loved it. and it's only 4 hours away! so anyone who wants to come visit- it's not that hard to get to the bahamas :).
now let's just hope our luck turns around and we get a call from a nice Bahamian saying they found our camera.

but the greatest news of all was from my brother saying that Brookie is all safe and well. Hard weekend to be away from family when something like that happens. especially when we are out of the country and can't use our phones! we love you B & B... get well soon xoxo


Melinda said...

What a fun trip! I love last minute trips... but one to the Bahamas sounds dreamy! Good luck finding your camera and hope your sister is law is recovering well.

Weed Family said...

how fun!

Weed Family said...

how fun! said...

Love the ghetto fabulous cruise! Told you it was worth it! Thanks for thinking of Brookie, she is doing well today. Love ya! -Brady

Keri Cannon said...

So fun! I'm so jealous that you live so close! BUT I am so sad for your camera and your house and everything. I got my brand new iphone stolen this morning and those things are the worst feelings! So sad. Aside from that it looks like you guys had so much fun! I miss you! let's chat this week!!

Britni and Brett said...

So glad you guys had so much fun! Can't believe you just had a baby, you look amazing in that swimsuit girl! You are my inspiration!

Let the Good Times Roll said...

Katie - First off we got an email from Brady this week telling us about Brooke. That was so scary, we love that girl! What a miracle, we are so happy she is home and doing better. Spence just walked in while I was blog stalking and I said "I hate checking their blog, cause they get to live in Florida!" j/k, but seriously - so jealous! How awesome that you guys could take a fast trip over to the Bahamas, so cool! So, I guess I will have to enjoy the warm weather vicariously through your blog!

Unknown said...

I don't know if you remember us too well, but we were in the MSH ward with you. I check your blog from time to time! We were in the Bahamas over the same weekend plus a few days! What a beautiful weekend!

Emily (Nelson)

Britters and Parx said...

Wow, how fun!!! I love the title of your post. =) But WHAT a BUMMER everything that went wrong during your trip! Man! Did you get your rental house taken care of??? If you ever need help with that let me know!

Ally said...

i think i went on that same cruise and found a hotel a few years ago. i got super sea sick. how fun! your baby is growing up so fast.

Sarah H said...

I'm so sorry you had so many bad things happen! I'm glad your s-i-l is ok. I'm glad you had a nice time despite all the problems. Looks beautiful.

Nakker said...

Looks like such a fun trip. Seriously - take full advantage of living so close to so many pretty islands.