Saturday, January 22, 2011

Half a Cake... 6 months and Happy

6 months and growing way too fast...

Let's compare
ONE Week old
1 month 6 months
1 month. 6 months.
6 months
13 lbs
13 oz
25 1/4 inches
grabbing things. putting everything in mouth. sitting up (still a little wobbly:)). laughing. smiling. just slept through the night FINALLY again 3 nights ago. rolling from back to stomach. eating solids. watching everything I eat. grabbing mommy's mouth. lighting up when Daddy walks in the room. stretching her arms for us to hold her. scooting...
oh and says "Ron Burgundy"... just kidding

laughs at Willie every time he licks her or looks at her



Britters and Parx said...

love that post! she is sooo darling! so glad that i finally got to meet her! i know that love that you described. it's overwhelming the love you feel for your child isn't it????

Keri Cannon said...

Who took those pictures? Those are way too cute!!!! I miss her!

Nanette said...

Crazy how quickly they grow. She is SO cute!!

L&J Bills said...

ocho i love her and you! miss you! she is the sweetest little lady. xoxo

Chelsea said...

Ahhh these pictures are sooo sweet! I love them all! What a peach!

Michelle and Sean said...

Happy 6 months!!

She is so adorable!!

It was good to see you when you were out here! Thank you so much for stopping by, the kids loved it!!

Hope she is feeling better from whatever she ended up having out here.

The Nakkers said...

Those are cute pictures. Isn't it crazy how quickly they grow? I just wish the pregnancy part went that quick. :) It was so much fun seeing you guys last month - we sure miss you.