Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Oh How I Love Spring Time

I have absolutely loved this spring time weather! It's funny how the seasons come and living in Utah we love them every year. Every year we are ready for summer, we are ready for the snow fall, and then we are dying to have it warm up and put on our white pants and flip flops and then we are ready to lay out by the pool! It is nice living somewhere where we can enjoy all 4 seasons...you know? At least for me... I love the seasons! I love pulling out the spring clothing and doing a little spring clean up on the house!


The Prince's said...

Totally Agree! How are you? We should hang out soon! Hope you guys doing well.

Holly and Dave said...

i also love spring. it's like the light at the end of the tunnel after a long, cold winter. and it brings hope knowing another hot summer is on it's way!